I have seen overdone lips that no longer have a natural look, irregular filling that creates uneven lips, and questionable choice of filler material that leads to long-term complications and disfigurement, to the point of doubting the competence and the judgment of the doctors using fillers to such disastrous outcomes!
Lip enhancement is one of the most difficult injectable procedures so it’s no wonder that there are so many overfilled, unnatural trout mouths! Injecting fillers in the lips combines art and science and it requires perfect knowledge of the anatomy, technical skills and abilities and an eye for harmony, symmetry and balance.
Here are my recommendations to make sure your lips turn out to be in harmony with the rest of your face instead of being the laughable center of attraction:
1. Find an experienced doctor who loves to inject lips and who does lots of lips, which is not the case for many injectors. Don’t be afraid to ask your cosmetic physician about his or her level of experience and comfort with lip enhancement and make sure you have all the answers before having a needle stuck in your lip!
2. Word of mouth is still the best reference in finding a good lip injector. Ask your friends, family members, and colleagues about their experience!
3. Have realistic expectations! Stop dreaming about having lips like Angelina Jolie if you are born with very thin lips, it is physically impossible to transform lips to that extent. Good lip enhancement is about balance between upper and lower lips, symmetry, definition of contours and smoothing out wrinkles and not about squeezing as much material as we can in a very delicate tissue!
4. If the results are not as good as you wished for, your cosmetic physician should be able to provide an ‘’antidote’’ that will correct little imperfections by dissolving the hyaluronic acid contained in the filler.
Having you lips injected should be a pleasurable experience and the decision to seek lip enhancement shouldn’t be taken lightly. Question your motivation, ask around, look for the best cosmetic physician and have realistic expectations.