Everyone dreams at of the Fountain of Youth and to stay young forever. It is unfortunately a dream and we must regrettably accept that the body inevitably ages and that the passing years leave traces that cannot be erased.
However, aesthetic medicine has taken giant steps in recent years in the fight against the ravages of time. You just have to go through magazines devoted to beauty and fashion to see the importance of this concern and to appreciate all the efforts that are being made to mitigate it. On the other hand, it becomes more and more difficult to find oneself in this avalanche of products, technologies, treatment protocols and other approaches, sometimes far-fetched.
La clinique a toujours eu à cœur d’offrir à sa clientèle le meilleur de ces innombrables « solutions » au vieillissement et tous les produits et technologies mis à la disposition des patients sont le fruit d’années de recherche. Les appareils et produits de traitement qui s’y retrouvent sont parmi les meilleurs sur le marché, et leur utilisation, aux mains de médecins experts et de techniciennes chevronnées, se fait toujours selon les règles de l‘art pour assurer résultats tangibles et sécuritaires.